Two Colour Triangle
Three SmartGoals are placed in a triangle. The players outside the triangle have to play the ball through the orange lit SmartGoal to the player inside the triangle. The player inside the triangle has to pass the ball through a blue lit SmartGoal. | Skill: passing, awareness, first touch | Coach on: decissionmaking, keep up ball rate | Physical load: quadriceps, hamstrings, calfs |
Keep Your Head Up
Three Smartgoals are placed in a triangle. When the player receives the ball, he/she gets to dribble through as many SmartGoals as possible within a certain time spawn. | Skill: dribbling, ball control, awareness | Coach on: keeping heads up while dribbling, keeping an eye on the SmartGoals, not the ball | Physical load: quadriceps, hamstrings, calfs |
The Big Movement
Ask the ball and run through the orange lit SmartGoal. Another SmartGoals will light up somewhere else. Dribble through that SmartGoal and pass it to the receiver. Run, receive, dribble and pass; that’s The Big Movement. | Skill: passing, ball control, agility | Coach on: pass on correct foot, intensity | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
The Bazoer Test
Richedly Bazoer, former player of Ajax Amsterdam, created his own SmartGoals exercise. There is only one goal: score through as many SmartGoals as you can within 30 seconds. Bazoers result: 16 goals. | Skill: passing, first touch, awareness, coordination | Coach on: stand on front feet | Physical load: calfs, hamstrings, buttock muscles |
Receive & Turn
Ask the ball and run through the orange lit SmartGoal. Receive it and dribble through the blue lit SmartGoal.| Skill: passing, ball control, agility, coordination | Coach on: the right consecution (first orange, then blue), pass on correct foot, intensity | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
Dribble & Switch
The player receives the ball and dribbles towards the lit SmartGoals. When arriving at the SmartGoals, the light switches (Switch-button on the SmartRemote), so the player has to react to this. Dribble through the newly lit SmartGoal and pass. | Skill: reaction speed, coordination, ball control, dribbling | Coach on: intensity, acceleration | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
Third Man Bounce
Run through the orange lit SmartGoal, use the third man to bounce the ball with twice, and pass the ball through the blue lit SmartGoal to the next player in line on the other side. | Skill: passing, bouncing, coordination | Coach on: the execution, pass on correct foot, stay behind to ball for bouncing (for incoming player) | Physical load: calfs, hamstrings, quadriceps |
The Team Builder
The Team Builder is a high intensity exercise that’s letting players switch between passing and running constantly. The players need to run through the lit up SmartGoal before receiving the ball. | Skill: passing, speed, acceleration, awareness | Coach on: keeping intensity high, execution, ball speed | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
The Solo Movement
This exercise contains just one player in the middle that stays in the middle for a certain time spawn. The goal of the player in the middle is to shift the game from one side to the other by using the SmartGoals. The player in the middle receives the ball, spins, dribbles through lit up SmartGoal and passes it to the other side. | Skill: ball control, first touch, dribble | Coach on: pass on correct foot, keep ball close, speed, ball speed | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
Passing Rectangle
This exercise contains a lot of passing and running. The center player has to divide the game by reacting on the SmartGoals. He/she receives the ball and needs to dribble through the lit up SmartGoals. | Skill: passing, first touch, coordination | Coach on: execution, ball speed, pass on correct foot | Physical load: quadriceps, hamstrings |
The Bazoer Twist 1
This exercise is similar to “The Bazoer Test”, but has a little twist. After players scored twice through the blue lit SmartGoals, they have to sprint through the orange lit SmartGoal once. | Skill: passing, agility, coordination | Coach on: high intensity sprints, first touch, pass on correct foot | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
The Bazoer Twist 2
This exercise is similar to “The Bazoer Test”, but has a little twist. After players scored once through the blue lit SmartGoals, they have to sprint through the orange lit SmartGoal twice. | Skill: passing, agility, coordination | Coach on: high intensity sprints, first touch, pass on correct foot | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
The Bazoer Twist 3
This exercise is similar to “The Bazoer Test”, but has a little twist. After players scored once through the blue lit SmartGoals, they have to sprint through the orange lit SmartGoal once. | Skill: passing, agility, coordination | Coach on: high intensity sprints, first touch, pass on correct foot | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
One Colour Triangle
The player inside the triangle starts and has to pass the ball through a blue lit SmartGoal. The players outside the triangle have to play the ball through the blue lit SmartGoal as well to get the ball back into the triangle. | Skill: passing, coordination, first touch | Coach on: pass on correct foot, ball speed, intensity | Physical load: quadriceps, hamstrings, calfs |
Inside the Triangle 1
A team of 2 players has to try to score as many goals as possible. One player will receive the ball and has to prepare it for the second player who has to pass it through the activated SmartGoal. | Skill: passing, cooperation, coordination | Coach on: communication, player roles, motivation | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
Inside the Triangle 2
A team of 2 players has to try to score as many goals as possible. One player will receive the ball and has to prepare it for the second player who has to pass it through the activated SmartGoal. The players outside the triangle have to play the ball through the lit SmartGoal as well to get the ball back into the triangle. | Skill: passing, cooperation, coordination | Coach on: communication, player roles, motivation | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
Inside the Triangle 3
The two players in the center work together with the players outside the triangle to keep this exercise rolling. The player outside of the triangle passes the ball through the blue lit up SmartGoals to the player in the middle. The player in the middle of the triangle receives the ball and passes it through a blue lit up to a player outside the triangle. | Skill: passing, awareness, coordination | Coach on: movement, execution, pass on correct foot | Physical load: hamstrings, calfs, quadriceps |
The Triangle Pass 1
In this exercise the players pass the ball around by means of the SmartGoals triangle. | Skill: passing, first touch | Coach on: ball speed, execution, stand on front feet | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, buttock muscles |
The Triangle Pass 2
In this exercise the players pass the ball around by means of the SmartGoals triangle. One additional exercise: after the pass, the players have to sprint to a pawn| Skill: passing, first touch | Coach on: ball speed, execution, stand on front feet | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, buttock muscles |
The Triangle Pass 3
In this exercise the players pass the ball around by means of the SmartGoals triangle. One additional exercise: before they receive the ball they have to fall back. | Skill: passing, first touch | Coach on: ball speed, execution, stand on front feet | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, buttock muscles |
Before Action 1
This exercise has it’s focus on passing. There’s only one ball that have to be passed around. One pawn is placed close to the starting point and one is placed at a larger distance. SmartGoals are placed several meters behind the pawns. The player standing at the pawn has to fall back to “drag the defender with him/her” by going through the SmartGoal before receiving the ball. When receiving the ball, this player spins and pass it through. | Skill: passing, coordination, agility | Coach on: asking ball, pass on correct foot | Physical load: hamstrings, core, quadriceps, calfs, buttock muscles |
Before Action 2
This exercise has it’s focus on passing. There’s only one ball that have to be passed around. One pawn is placed close to the starting point and one is placed at a larger distance. SmartGoals are placed several meters behind the pawns. The player standing at the pawn has to fall back to “drag the defender with him/her” by going through the SmartGoal before receiving the ball. When receiving the ball, this player bounces the ball. | Skill: passing, coordination, agility | Coach on: asking ball, pass on correct foot | Physical load: hamstrings, core, quadriceps, calfs, buttock muscles |
The Square Pass

The players have to play the ball around the square. The players of both teams (orange and blue) are standing mixed at the pawns. While they are passing they have to check which SmartGoal is lit and in which colour. This determines whom they have to play the ball to. | Skill: passing, coordination, dribble | Coach on: ball speed, awareness, communication | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
Dribble Around the Cone
The setup of this exercise has the shape of a cross. The player with ball has to dribble around the cone that is placed in the center of the cross and pass to the player behind the lit up SmartGoal. The receiver does the same thing, and so on. | Skill: dribbling, passing, coordination | Coach on: dribble speed, keep head up while dribbling | Physical load: quadriceps, hamstring, calfs |
Passing Circle 1
The center player inside the circle passes and receives the ball constantly. The center player passes the ball through a blue/orange lit up SmartGoal, gets the ball back, and passes to another blue/orange lit up SmartGoal again. | Skill: passing, coordination, first touch | Coach on: ball speed, stand on front feet, intensity | Physical load: hamstrings, calfs, quadriceps |
Passing Circle 2
This exercise is similar to the “Passing Circle 1”. One small difference with the Passing Circle 1: the players have to take eachothers place. The player in the middle receives the ball and starts dribbling to outside the circle through the lit up SmartGoal. When outside the circle, the player has to pass the ball through the new lit up SmartGoal to the new player in the circle. | Skill: dribbling, passing, coordination | Coach on: dribbling speed, keeping heads up while dribbling | Physical load: quadriceps, calfs, hamstrings
The Build Up
This exercise contains 4 defenders and 2 midfielders. This exercise trains your team to get a proper build up. Based on the SmartGoals the defenders have to decide which way they choose to reach the midfielders. They need to get the ball from side to side as fast as possible to reach the midfielder. | Skill: passing, positional play, communication, overview | Coach on: ball speed, communication, execution | Physical load: quadriceps, calfs, hamstrings |
The Movement
This exercise is similar to “The big movement”. This exercise is only a smaller variant with less SmartGoals in use. Ask the ball and run through the orange lit SmartGoal. Another SmartGoals will light up somewhere else. Dribble through that SmartGoal and pass it to the receiver. Run, receive, dribble and pass; that’s The Big Movement. | Skill: passing, ball control, agility | Coach on: pass on correct foot, intensity | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
Know Your Surroundings
An exercise especially made to train players to “get eyes in their back”. One player stands with his back towards the SmartGoals. This player bounces the ball, when the other player passes the ball through the lit up SmartGoal to the other side. | Skill: awareness, coordination, passing | Coach on: pass on correct food, communication, awareness | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, buttock muscles |
Bounce it
The goal of this exercise is to bounce the ball trough the lit up SmartGoals as many times as possible within a certain time spawn. | Skill: passing, bouncing, coordination | Coach on: communication, ball speed, motivation | Physical load: quadriceps, calfs, buttock muscles |
Duo 360 (Three-Sixty)
A team of 2 players has to try to score as many goals as possible. One player will receive the ball and has to prepare it for the second player who has to score it through the lit up SmartGoal. | Skill: passing, cooperation, positional play | Coach on: execution, player roles, motivation, communication | Physical load: calfs, buttock muscles, quadriceps |
Long Ball & 3rd Man
This exercise is similar to the “Duo 360 (three-sixty)”. Only in this exercise the players receive the ball by a long pass, instead of a short pass. The players have to react on the classical “Kick and Rush” and make the best out of it. | Skill: passing, ball control, coordination, cooperation | Coach on: execution, communication | Physical load: buttock muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, calfs |