The Relay Race
In this exercise two teams compete against each other. Each player has to dribble as quick as possible through 3 SmartGoals. The team that has all players completed 3 SmartGoals first, wins. | Skill: dribbling, awareness, reaction speed | Coach on: intensity, motivation to win, keeping ball close | Physical load: lower extremity |
The Pass Race
In this game the players have to play the ball from pawn to pawn. Only the players in the scoring-zone are allowed to score if a SmartGoal illuminates. The players have to anticipate on the illuminating SmartGoal. The certain SmartGoal decides if there is an extra pass needed. | Skill: passing, cooperation | Coach on: attentiveness, ball speed, communication | Physical load: quadriceps, buttock muscles, hamstrings |
Receive & Turn
Ask the ball and run through the orange lit SmartGoal. Receive it and dribble through the blue lit SmartGoal.| Skill: passing, ball control, agility, coordination | Coach on: the right consecution (first orange, then blue), pass on correct foot, intensity | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
The Winning Dribble 2
This exercise can be done with or without the ball. Make two teams: orange and blue. They both have the same little parcours marked with pawns. The SmartGoal that’s lit up in their team’s colour is their finish line. The teams battle to finish first. The SmartGoal in the middle of the field will give the judgement about who wins. | Skill: agility, speed, (dribbling), acceleration | Coach on: motivation | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
Passing Rectangle
This exercise contains a lot of passing and running. The center player has to divide the game by reacting on the SmartGoals. He/she receives the ball and needs to dribble through the lit up SmartGoals. | Skill: passing, first touch, coordination | Coach on: execution, ball speed, pass on correct foot | Physical load: quadriceps, hamstrings |
The Side Step Test
A side step test where players have to be the quickest they can. Keep an eye on the execution and keep them motivated. In the video the goal is to get an as high as possible score within a certain time spawn. The exercise is in fact a repeated sidewards leap (jump). This means the load will focus on the outer leg alternately. | Skill: agility | Coach on: both feet through SmartGoal, high intensity | Physical load: femoral abductors, quadriceps, calfs |
The Bazoer Twist 1
This exercise is similar to “The Bazoer Test”, but has a little twist. After players scored twice through the blue lit SmartGoals, they have to sprint through the orange lit SmartGoal once. | Skill: passing, agility, coordination | Coach on: high intensity sprints, first touch, pass on correct foot | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
The Bazoer Twist 2
This exercise is similar to “The Bazoer Test”, but has a little twist. After players scored once through the blue lit SmartGoals, they have to sprint through the orange lit SmartGoal twice. | Skill: passing, agility, coordination | Coach on: high intensity sprints, first touch, pass on correct foot | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
The Bazoer Twist 3
This exercise is similar to “The Bazoer Test”, but has a little twist. After players scored once through the blue lit SmartGoals, they have to sprint through the orange lit SmartGoal once. | Skill: passing, agility, coordination | Coach on: high intensity sprints, first touch, pass on correct foot | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
One Colour Triangle
The player inside the triangle starts and has to pass the ball through a blue lit SmartGoal. The players outside the triangle have to play the ball through the blue lit SmartGoal as well to get the ball back into the triangle. | Skill: passing, coordination, first touch | Coach on: pass on correct foot, ball speed, intensity | Physical load: quadriceps, hamstrings, calfs |
Timing Dribble
This exercise can be done with or without ball. When the player starts to run through the first SmartGoal, the system timer (SmartGoals App) will also start. The player has to run along the pawns and finish as quick as possible. The timer stops when the player runs through the last SmartGoal. The app will show the time. | Skill: agility, acceleration, (ball control), (dribbling) | Coach on: motivation, execution | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
The Winning Dribble 1

This exercise can be done with or without the ball. Make two teams: orange and blue. They both have the same little parcours marked with pawns. The SmartGoal that’s lit up in their team’s colour is their finish line. The teams battle to finish first. The SmartGoal in the middle of the field will give the judgement about who wins. | Skill: agility, speed, (dribbling), acceleration | Coach on: motivation | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
SmartGoal Match 1

In this exercise two teams compete against each other. This exercise is a normal match set-up with two teams; orange and blue. The SmartGoals are placed along the sidelines. A team can only score if they’ve ran through a SmartGoal lit in their teams colour. | Skill: positional game, cooperation | Coach on: communication, awareness, execution | Physical: lower extremity |
SmartGoal Match 2

This exercise is similar to the “SmartGoal Match 1”. Only is this exercise there is only one goal with one goalkeeper. Both teams have to score in the same goal. The SmartGoals are placed along the sideline. One SmartGoal is placed right across the normal goal. Make two teams: one orange and one blue. A team can only score if they’ve ran through a SmartGoal lit in their team’s colour. | Skill: positional game, cooperation | Coach on: communication, awareness, execution | Physical: lower extremity |
SmartGoal Match 3

This exercise is similar to the “SmartGoal Match 1”. Only is this exercise there is only one goal with one goalkeeper. Both teams have to score in the same goal. The SmartGoals are placed along the sideline. One SmartGoal is placed right across the normal goal. Make two teams: one orange and one blue. The difference with the “SmartGoal Match 2”: a team can only score if they’ve ran 2 times through a SmartGoal lit in their team’s colour. | Skill: positional game, cooperation | Coach on: communication, awareness, execution | Physical: lower extremity |
The Busy Dribble 1
The players have to sprint as fast as possible to the pawn in the middle. When arriving at the pawn the players have to decide which SmartGoal (that’s lit up in their team’s colour: orange or blue) they want to run through. When going through the SmartGoal they have to return at their team as fast as possible. When one returns, another one starts. | Skill: acceleration (speed), agility, endurance | Coach on: intensity, decisionmaking | Physical load: quadriceps, hamstrings, calfs, endurance |
The Busy Dribble 2
The players have to dribble with ball as fast as possible to the pawn in the middle. When arriving at the pawn the players have to decide which SmartGoal (that’s lit up in their team’s colour: orange or blue) they want to run through. When going through the SmartGoal they have to return at their team as fast as possible. When one returns, another one starts. | Skill: dribbling, ball control, agility, endurance | Coach on: intensity, decisionmaking | Physical load: quadriceps, hamstrings, calfs, |
The Square Pass

The players have to play the ball around the square. The players of both teams (orange and blue) are standing mixed at the pawns. While they are passing they have to check which SmartGoal is lit and in which colour. This determines whom they have to play the ball to. | Skill: passing, coordination, dribble | Coach on: ball speed, awareness, communication | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
Through Ball Playmaking

This exercise is in fact a usual positional play. Several SmartGoals are placed at two opposite sides of the pitch. When a team has managed to play the ball around 5 times, they have to try to score in the illuminated SmartGoal. Players are only allowed to enter the space behind the SmartGoals (scoring zone) when their team have managed to play the ball around 5 times. | Skill: positional play, passing, cooperation | Coach on: communication, execution, movement | Physical load: lower extremity |
Scoring on Pace
In this exercise, players compete against each other on who’s first to finish. Players have to run through 3 illuminated SmartGoals before they are permitted to score. | Skill: agility, acceleration, speed, finishing | Coach on: motivation to win the sprint and score the goal, execution | Physical load: calfs, quadriceps, hamstrings, buttock muscles |
The Big Run

An exercise where the whole team has to run around a big square. Two teams compete to each other. When the SmartGoals light up they have to change their direction immediately and run through it. | Skill: endurance, acceleration, reaction speed | Coach on: intensity, execution | Physical load: quadriceps, hamstrings, calfs|
Conditional Run

The players have to run to the other side while passing a SmartGoal that’s lit in their team’s colour. Optional: create a game. | Skill: acceleration, speed, cooperation | Coach on: motivation, intensity | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
Running Test
This exercise can be done with or without ball. When the player starts to run, the system timer (SmartGoals App) will also start automatically. The player has to run as quick as possible through the parcours. When the player finishes (last SmartGoal), the timer will stop. The app will show the time. | Skill: agility, speed, acceleration | Coach on: intensity, getting the best result | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
The Racing Rectangle Pass
The players have to pass the ball from pawn to pawn, all around the rectangle. The player near the SmartGoal has to be aware which SmartGoal lights up. When he/she receives the ball, he/she dribbles through the lit up SmartGoal. Only the player near the SmartGoals is allowed to score. | Skill: passing, awareness, first touch | Coach on: attentiveness, ball speed, communication | Physical: quadriceps, hamstrings, buttock muscles, calfs |
The Little Square Rounds
This exercise contains two different teams that dribble (without ball) around their own rectangle. When a SmartGoal lights up in their colour, the first player in line of the corresponding team has to run through that SmartGoal. Hereafter the player gets back in line. | Skill: endurance, acceleration, awareness | Coach on: intensity, motivation | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
Keep Looking
This is an exercise where players train their endurance by running around a big square. They do that in teams. When the SmartGoals are illuminating in a certain teamcolour, this team has to change their direction immediately. They have to sprint along the pawn in the middle of the square towards the illuminated SmartGoal. | Skill: endurance, acceleration, teamwork | Coach on: teamwork – stay together, intensity | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
Running Around the SmartGoals 2

This is an exercise where players train their endurance by running around a big square. They do that in teams. When the SmartGoals are illuminating in a certain teams colour, this team has to change their direction immediately. They have to sprint to the middle of the square towards the illuminated SmartGoal (1). Keep in mind that the players need to cross the rectangle diagonally. | Skill: endurance, acceleration, teamwork | Coach on: teamwork – stay together, intensity, execution | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
The Running Circle 2
This exercise is similar to “The Running Circle 1”, only this exercise contains 2 players. Each player has their own colour (blue/orange). The players starts from the center of the circle. He/she has to run through the illuminated SmartGoals of their own colour. Each time the player completes a SmartGoal, he/she returns to the base pawn in the middle. When the player completed 5 SmartGoals, the next player in line starts. The exercise can be competitive for more fun and/or motivation.| Skill: agility, awareness | Coach on: intensity, motivation to be as quick as possible | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
The Running Circle 3

This exercise is similar to “The Running Circle 1”, only this exercise contains 2 teams. Each team has their own colour (blue/orange). The first player in line starts from one of the 4 pawns. He/she has to run through the illuminated SmartGoals of their own colour twice. After he/she has done this, they return to their own team. When the player completed 2 SmartGoals, the next player in line starts. | Skill: agility, awareness, acceleration | Coach on: intensity, motivation to be as quick as possible | Physical load: hamstrings, quadriceps, calfs |
Keep on Running
Keep On Running is a relay race. The players have to run through the illuminated SmartGoals (orange or blue) alternately and tap the next one. When tapped, the next player starts running. The exercise can be done with only one team (orange OR blue) or with two teams (orange AND blue). | Skill: endurance, acceleration | Coach on: intensity, motivation | Physical: quadriceps, hamstrings, calfs |
5 vs 7

This is a 5 versus 7 game. The SmartGoals are placed all around the sidelines of the pitch. The teams can score by passing through the illuminated SmartGoals. The team with 7 has a two-man-more-situation. The team with 5 has to try to score in the blue goal while the 7-player-team have to score in the orange goal. | Skill: cooperation, passing, awareness | Coach on: communication, ball speed | Physical: lower extremity |
3 vs 3

This is a 3 versus 3 game. The SmartGoals are placed all over the pitch, like the setup that is shown in the picture. Activate two SmartGoals. The team that is possessing the ball has to try to score, the other team has to defend. The teams can score by passing through the illuminated SmartGoals. | Skill: cooperation, positional play, awareness | Coach on: communication, ball speed | Physical: lower extremity |
Double Duo
This exercise is similar to “Tiki Taka”, only this exercise contains two teams of two players. Two teams compete against each other to get the highest score by getting the ball as quick as possible through the illuminated SmartGoals. The players are allowed to touch the ball only once at a time. The players have to think and have to move into the right position. | Skill: positional play, cooperation, passing | Coach on: communication, movement, taking right position | Physical load: lower extremity |
The Middle of the SmartGoals

In this exercise the SmartGoals don’t create the field but are part of the pitch. This is a usual positional play where the teams can score by passing the ball to their teammate through an illuminated SmartGoal. | Skill: positional play, passing, awareness, cooperation | Coach on: communication, ball speed, movement, quick passing | Physical load: lower extremity |
Score Game

Two teams of 3 players play a positional game. Three SmartGoals are placed at one side of the pitch. The teams need to keep ball-possession. After playing the ball around for 5 times, a team is permitted to score. | Skill: passing, positional play, cooperation | Coach on: communication, awareness, ball speed | Physical: lower extremity |
Play Ball into the Corner

This exercise is similar to the “Score Game”. The only difference is the set-up of the SmartGoals. Instead of placing three of them at one sideline of the pitch, four of the SmartGoals are placed in each corners of the pitch. After playing the ball around 5 times, a team is permitted to score in the illuminated SmartGoal. | Skill: passing, cooperation, awareness | Coach on: communication, ball speed, possession | Physical: lower extremity |
Try to Score

This is a normal 6 versus 6 match. Create a field with six SmartGoals and activate two (one blue and one orange). The players can score by passing through the illuminated SmartGoals. | Skill: passing, cooperation, possession | Coach on: ball speed, communication, awareness | Physical: lower extremity |